Magic Amigos is the loyalty club of Magic Costa Blanca Hotels & Resorts. As soon as you register in our club you will be able to enjoy exclusive benefits and discounts for members.
Joining is free! We want you to feel at home, that's why we reward your loyalty: the more nights you stay in our accommodations, the more benefits you get.
At Club Magic Amigos, you are more than a customer, you are a friend.
Exclusive discounts and benefits
As a member of the Club you will enjoy great benefits: the more you visit us, the more discounts and advantages you will enjoy! We will complete your holiday experience with special services: exclusive discounts, gifts, priority access and many more advantages. Sign up today, free of charge and in just a few seconds. The Magic Amigos Club is all about benefits: you'll save time and money.
How does magic amigos club works?
Just for registering you already have access to the first level of the Club with discounts and special advantages for you. We reward your loyalty, stay more nights with us and go up a level to get more benefits, the most loyal guests are rewarded!
Magic Amigos
JUST FOR SIGNING UP! (FREE registration, no need to book)